Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Precision Education for Autism Twitter Day

Catherine is offering her Power of 5 services as a prize on autism twitter day.
Available for Parents of Children
(all ages & disabilities)
With Individual Education Plans
60-90 Minute Phone Consult with Catherine Whitcher, M.Ed
Review of IEP Prior to Consult
Written Summary of Your Power of 5 for Your Child Provided within 48 Hours
Your Power of 5:
Learn the 5 most important parts of your child's IEP
Decide the 5 critical skills your child must learn this year
Take 5 actions to change your child's education
Learn what 5 questions to ask your child's education team
Discover how 5 minutes a week can assure your child is learning
The development of Back to the Future IEP Planning ™, exclusively presented by Precision Education, is based upon both her professional and personal experiences in the special education world and has led students to become productive and contributing members of society.
Catherine is a panel member for autism twitter day at 12:30 PM PST. Feel free to follow her on twitter.
Receive free IEP tips from Precision Education.
This is available to US twitter members only.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Mia Hysteria for Autism Twitter Day

This also happens to be one of the first books I purchased ten years ago when I first got the diagnosis of autism for my now thirteen-year-old son. Here is my review.
Mia has a great post on BlogHer on autism twitter day. Feel free to follow MiaHysteria on twitter. Her blog is located here.
This book is available for US twitter members only.
Moomettes Magnificents for Autism Twitter Day

You can follow Moomettesgram on twitter. Learn more about Webkinz.
Prize is available for US twitter members only.
Mickey Fanatic for Autism Twitter Day

Mickey Fanatic - Travel with Family & the Mouse
You can follow Connie on twitter. This prize is available for US and Canadian twitter members.
Kim Dean Art for Autism Twitter Day

Rounded edges and quality construction make this Framed Tile the ultimate wall accent.
Frame measures 6” x 6” x 0.5”,
with 4.25” x 4.25” tile
Constructed of stained Cherrywood
Two holes for wall mounting
The Tile reads I love someone with Autism
Check out Kim's Jewelry shop on Etsy. Feel free to follow Kim Dean on twitter.
This prize is for US twitter members only.
autism twitter day,
cafe press,
Kim Dean
Reiki Manual for Autism Twitter Day

Dr. Mary E. Riposo's book, Using Reiki with Children: A Guide for Parents and Professionals.
Reiki is done with the child fully clothed. During the session, the hands of the therapist are placed on or near specific areas of the body in order to activate the healing response. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders often have sensory integration problems, which may result in discomfort with imposed touch. If this is the case, the hands can be placed above the body or on the child's hands or feet.
More information can be learned at the Alternative Autism Solutions website.
The books are available to US and Canadian twitter members.
Ultra Mind for Autism Twitter Day

Dr. Hyman will be live on The Martha Stewart Show January 6, 2009. You can follow Dr. Mark Hyman on twitter.
The books are available for twitter members worldwide.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Animal Agentz for Autism Twitter Day

Animal Agentz is a web based CBT program. They are offering a free subscription for autism twitter day. All you need is the password.
Children do not understand ‘how’ to relax on demand, but through playing with the Animal Agentz, they learn such techniques and can repeat them in stressful situations. Your child will remember the actions and behaviours of Bubbles the fish, Yo-Yo the Cat and the other Animal Agentz and use them when they need to remain calm.
Subscribe to the newsletter. Check out the Demos and print out a poster.
It is successful as a relaxation and coping device and makes it ideal for dealing with children in stressful clinical situations e.g. when they are facing an injection, visit to a dentist, hospital or family doctor. It is also useful in non-medical situations to help calm your child during school examinations, difficult meal times or when shopping and your child may have a tantrum, Animal Agentz can help.
Feel free to follow Animal Agentz on twitter.
This prize is available to all twitter members.
Autism Earrings for Autism Twitter Day

Kristin Broussard of has donated a pair of Sterling Silver earrings for autism twitter day. I have purchased autism awareness merchandise from her site over the years and written about it on my autism site.
All the Autism Awareness Jewelry pieces are handmade. Kristin will also do
special requests. You can find clothing, tote bags, coffee mugs, buttons and mouse pads, plus articles on the topic of autism at I love a child with autism.
This prize is available to US and Canadian twitter members.
Personal Chef To Go for Autism Twitter Day

Fresh delivery means that each meal is packaged and shipped within hours of preparation in our spotless, licensed and routinely inspected commercial kitchen. Personal Chef To Go uses Thermal Shield lined shipping containers that are guaranteed to keep your meals properly chilled and flavor fresh at your office or home.
How It Works. Read the reviews at the Personal Chef To Go Blog.
This prize is available to US twitter members only.
Goosie Cards for Autism Twitter Day
Goosie Gallery to see the What to Wear collection.

Readers can use freeship08 code for free shipping through December 31st (US only), plus there is a 15% discount for families who have a child on the autism spectrum.
Goosie Cards® are colorful, quality photo cards that provide opportunities for parents to learn and explore with their kids in creative ways.
Play some Goosie games.
The What to Wear Goosie Flash cards are for US and Canadian twitter members. The Ten free custom cards are for US twitter members only.
Fundoodies for Autism Twitter Day

Fundoodies are recommended for ages six and up. Here is how you play. They are made in the U.S.A. Families can print out the free score sheet and use the wild cards for tasks or rewards.
You can follow fundoodies on twitter.
This prize is for US twitter members only.
Playtime with Zeebu for AutismTwitter Day

Playtime with Zeebu is to help your child think socially through interactive play and designed specifically for children diagnosed with autism, PDD-NOS, nonverbal learning disorder, ADD/ADHD and developmental delays.
You can sign your child up for the Zeebu Kids Club to receive games each month. Check out the calming techniques video, making choices or spotlighting emotions at their website. Puppet show ideas and user guide.
Zeebu and his friends let the child experience “perspective taking” or “theory of mind.” Creator Kimberly L. Gallo has two children on the autism spectrum and started Playtime with Zeebu in their playroom.
This prize is available to US and Canadian twitter members.
Fun and Function LLC for Autism Twitter Day

They feature lacing, snaps, buttons, zipper and hook and loop closures! Weights can be safely added to pockets inside the vest to provide a reassuring deep hug that calms and provides great sensory input for children.
The Fairy Princess Dressing Vest has two optional skirts. They are a Ballerina Skirt and a Ball Gown Skirt. These are not part of the prize giveaway, but can be purchased separately at Fun and Function.

The winner will be able to choose from one of four vest designs - policeman, fireman, EMT or fairy princess - and either 1 lb. or .5 lb weights.
This prize is for US twitter members only.
Leap Frog Tag Reading System for Autism Twitter Day

Leap Frog is donating a Tag Reading System for autism twitter day. Designed for children four to eight, the Tag Reading System works with a broad library of more than 20 books and games . For more information on the Tag Reading System, visit Leap Frog.
Amazingly easy to use, the Tag Reader holds audio for up to five books at a time. Simply connect the Tag Reader to your computer with the included USB cable, download the audio for your Tag books and drag-and -drop up to five of your children's favorite stories onto your Tag Reader.
Recommended for ages 4 to 8. Many kids on the autism spectrum do well with Leap Frog Toys. Here are some articles I have written on Leap Frog. Leap Frog Toys For The Nonverbal Autistic Child and Leap Frog Phonics for the Low functioning child.
This prize is open to twitter members worldwide. Feel free to follow LeapFrog on twitter.
autism twitter day,
leap frog,
tag reading system,
toy prize
The Ethics of Autism for Autism Twitter Day

Understanding autism and the unique ethical questions it raises. Written by Deborah R. Barnbaum, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Kent State University.
"This book will be of great interest to philosophers and students of philosophy on the issues of autism and what it means to be a person."—Temple Grandin, author of Thinking in Pictures
Table of Contents:
1. A Philosophical Introduction to Autism
Voices of Autism: Jim Sinclair
2. The Value of an Autistic Life
Voices of Autism: Wendy Lawson
3. Autism and Moral Theories
Voices of Autism: Gunilla Gerland
4. Autism and Genetic Technologies
Voices of Autism: Donna Williams
5. Research on Persons with Autism
Voices of Autism: Temple Grandin
For more details on this and other books available at Indiana University Press.
This prize is open to US twitter members only.
Souls: Beneath and Beyond Autism for Autism Twitter Day

You can visit Portraits by Thomas Balsamo to learn more about this project and see a portfolio of his work.
The books are available to US and Canadian twitter members.
Resiliency For Life for Autism Twitter Day

The four programs are :
Volume 1
Be a Bird,
Be a Ball
Volume 2
Be a Horse,
Be a Cat

Choose from one of these audio programs. The target age-range is 3/4 to 7/8 years old.
For those interested in these programs: you can order them and download them from one of the several iTunes stores they are in. Look them up on iTunes under Children Music, Imagine Yourself.
To learn more about the benefits of Resiliency for Life, visit their website.
This prize is available for US and Canadian twitter members.
Sensory Edge for Autism Twitter Day

The puzzle is shown in 4 rows but it can extend into one 10 foot long train, suitable for ages three and older. There are 27 jumbo pieces. Made of heavy duty cardboard that's 20% thicker than other puzzles.
Here are other puzzles at SensoryEdge. You can follow SensoryEdge on twitter.
This prize is for US twitter members only.
Say It With Symbols for Autism Twitter Day

Includes a two-sided laminated communication board for commenting about the weekend and home activities. Can also easily be used to communicate news from school to home.
Feel free to visit their site for notecards, gifts, supports and software.
This prize is available for US and Canadian twitter members.
giving greetings,
randi sag,
say it with symbols
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Autism Community Store for Autism Twitter Day

I first came across from an ad they placed in the ASA newsletter. I got the lollipops for my son and gave away to classmates at my younger son's class. I also picked out some fidget toys that are at school and inside his backpack.
Please check out their website for great toys, reinforcers, biomedical supplies, personal hygiene products, weighted and sensory products as well.
These prizes are for US twitter members only.
Let's Get Ready Books for Autism Twitter Day

Let's Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let's Get Ready For First Grade! are award winning books that will be available by the end of the year in Spanish. Check out the sample pages for both books by Stacey Kannenberg.
Here is a fun activity for kids to color shapes at the Cedar Valley Publishing Company website.
These books are available for any twitter member and can be drop shipped globally.
Amacom Books for Autism Twitter Day

The author's website. Feel free to follow AMACOMBooks on twitter.
These prizes are available for US and Canadian twitter members.
Swingset Mamas for Autism Twitter Day

Swing, Dance and Sing DVD/Video - Winner of the 2008 Parents Choice Award, 2008 iParenting Media Award, 2008 Dove Foundation Family Approval, 2008 NAPPA Award, and Kids First Endorsement.

Marlowe has a daughter on the spectrum and is a panel member who will be tweeting on music therapy, national inclusion week, plus her daughter is involved in Special Olympics. She will be on twitter for the 9AM panel. Feel free to follow her on twitter.
These prizes are for US and Canadian twitter members.
autism twitter day,
book and dvd,
music therapy,
swingset mamas
Parent Coaching Time for Autism Twitter Day

Dr. Susan Giurleo is a psychologist and coach for families living with ADHD, autism spectrum and learning disorders. She specializes in empowering parents to create peaceful, functional families.
If you are in the Atlanta area you can visit Dr.Susan Giurleo in person. More information on her parent skills & strategies coaching programs beginning in 2009, visit her website. You can also peruse her articles here. At the site is the option to receive the bi-weekly newsletter and get her free guide Parenting Your Unique Child: 21 Ways to Survive and Thrive.
Feel free to follow her on twitter.
Coaching is done by phone and available internationally.
Wings of Epoh for Autism Twitter Day

Autism Spectrum Quarterly Winter 2008 issue has a three-page article on Wings of Epoh. You can learn more about the magazine here. The DVD is an animated film.
Wings of Epoh tells the story of a young boy with autism who struggles to communicate with the world, leaving him feeling very much alone.
You can learn more about the writer and illustrator at the website. Feel free to follow Wings of Epoh on twitter.
The DVD and Book are available to US twitter members only.
autism twitter day,
book and dvd,
wings of epoh
Horizons Developmental Remediation Center for Autism Twitter Day

Help your preschool and elementary students learn to: think creatively; flexibly adapt to change; notice similarities and differences; and compare and contrast perspectives.
For more information on the Flex Your Brain DVD Program and to sign up for the Horizons newsletter, please visit their website.
You can follow Nicole Beurkens, director of Horizons on twitter. Nicole is a panel member tweeting and answering questions at 8 PM PST.
This DVD is available for US and Canadian twitter members.
That's Life with Autism Books for Autism Twitter Day

This book is written by parents for parents with specific topics addressed in each chapter. You can read the amazon reviews.
This prize is available for US twitter members only.
Tattoos with a Purpose for Autism Twitter Day

directions for applying the tattoos. They will last from 3-5 days.
The tattoos are:
Please note the ingredients before trying for this prize:
Acrylic Multipolymer, Alkyd Polyester Resin, Phenolic Modified Gloss Varnish, Petroleum Isopariffinic Hydrocarbon, Petrolatum, Cobalt Tallate Drier, Black Iron Oxide, FD & C Blue #1 Brilliant Blue FCF Lake, FD & C Yellow #5 Tartrazine Lake, D & C Red #7 Lithol Rubin B CA Lake, FD & C Yellow #6 Sunset Yellow FCF Lake, Titanium Dioxide
Here is their listing of temporary tattoos available at their site.
This prize is available for US Twitter members only.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Baby Banz for Autism Twitter Day

Lenses 100% UVA/ UVB protection
Durable polycarbonate
Ophthalmic quality; capable of being replaced with prescription lenses
Strap: Neoprene elastic band matches chosen color of sunglasses
Allows for flexibility, breathability, and comfort
Side adjustable Velcro® allows for years of wear as the child grows
Sporty, sleek design
Baby Banz has a complete line of sun protection. This combo is for ages 0-5. There is an array of colors to choose from for your prize along with two size choices.
You can find more info on their products at their website and you can follow them on twitter.
This prize is available to US twitter members only.
autism twitter day,
baby banz,
sun protection,
Wei East We Help Bring Hope Collection for Autism Twitter Day

China Herbal Foaming Cleanser 6oz
China Herbal Youth Recaptured Serum 1 fl oz
China Herbal Eyes Alive 0.7oz
China Herbal Ultimate Renewal 1.5oz
White Lotus Defining Moment Finishing and Correcting Serum 0.5 fl oz
White Olive Tinted Lip Smoother 0.28oz
China Herbal Hand & Body Perfection 3.5oz
China Clay Purifying Masque 3.5oz
Wei Brian the founder of Wei East has a son on the autism spectrum and donates 100% of the proceeds of this collection to autism organizations.
Together WE will Help Bring Hope to Autism
This prize is available to US twitter members only.
autism twitter day,
bring hope,
wei east
Personal Child Stories for Autism Twitter Day

When you order, you will simply tell us what theme you’d like, send us photos to go along and answer some questions to help us organize your book. We will help you every step of the way and can offer book theme and photo suggestions, too!
To learn more about the different levels of books, please visit their website.
This prize is for US and Canadian twitter members.
My Precious Kid Prizes for Autism Twitter Day

These prizes are available to US twitter members only.
angel guards,
autism twitter day,
child locator,
my precious kid,
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Navan Foods Gift Card for Autism Twitter Day

You can visit Navan Foods at their website. This is an allergy free food shop that understands food sensitivities. Their physical shop is located in Virginia.
This prize is for US twitter members only.
Notecards from Adult with Autism for Autism Twitter Day

You can follow Betty on twitter. This prize is available to US twitter members only.
adult with autism,
autism twitter day,
rosehearts design
Kidz Comfort Prize for Autism Twitter Day

Check out the designs and other products at their website. Bed Bumpers are made in the USA. Feel free to follow kidzcomfort on twitter as well. This prize is available for shipment to US and Canada.
Author Joanna Velasco for Autism Twitter Day

Joanna has worked in the classroom for several years as a classroom aide and facilitator and substitute teacher here in Southern California. She is donating both her books as prizes for autism twitter day.

You can visit Joanna's website for more details on public appearances.
Books are available for US Twitter members only.
a is for autism,
autism twitter day,
in his shoes,
Joann Velasco,
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